Changing Gears

Since last week was the wrap-up of my Radical Verses series, I have decided to take the opportunity to change gears bit.

Since I rebranded to modernmonk, I've been able to keep a consistent weekly schedule. Now, that might have to change for a bit.

I'm switching from blog mode to book mode, and posts here will have to take a bit of a backseat. My plan is to primarily work on my book with sporadic blog posts.

These sporadic blog posts may change a bit in tone as well. They will have more of a focus on practically living in the world but not of it. I don't have any concrete ideas for posts yet, but I can feel things brewing.

Now, what about this book I've been talking about?

I'm planning to write a non-fiction book on what the Gospel is. I find too many inconsistent definition and want to do a deep dive into the topic.

Such a deep dive will require much more than a week's worth of research. This project will also need more of a complete process as opposed to the format of exploring a new verse each week like my past series.

That being said, I do plan, once I'm finished, to publish two versions of the project. The book version will be the neat and tidy version, and a rougher, more stream of thought version will be posted here as a behind-the-scene look at what a process of deeper biblical study can look like.

Sadly, I can't give any sense of the timeline of this project. It's an 'it's done when it's done' sort of thing. But, I'm going to optimistically say it shouldn't take too long.


You are Love.